

May 8, 2011

mother's day!

i don't typically blog on weekends, i know. but i feel like today deserves to be recognized by me on my blog. i'll start by giving a huge THANK YOU to my mom. i couldn't make it through life without her!

my mom is always by my side. i know that i will always have a friend in her. i talk to her when i need to get stuff out of my system, and she understands me and my ways. she has been with me through the trials and hardships of life as well as the joyous and good times in life. when it seems that life couldn't get any worse, my mom shows me ways that it can, and she gives me reasons to come back up and be happy again.

when i cry, she has a shoulder ready to lean on. when i have stuff that needs to get said, she has a willing ear to listen. when i just don't know what to do anymore, she knows just the right things to say. her arms are hug-ready at all times. she is my rock! lots of the valuable life lessons that are learned come from my mom (and my dad, too!).

a really awesome thing about my mom, is she lets me in on most of the things that are going on. of course there are things that i don't need to know, but many things she tells me, and i'm not left with questions and wonderings.

i could go on forever saying good things about my mom. but there are many things i have to thank her for. some things that may seem to go unnoticed when they really don't.

THANK YOU for keeping dishes washed so we have something to eat with/on.

THANK YOU for keeping the house tidy and presentable.

THANK YOU for washing my laundry and making sure i always have clean clothes to wear.

THANK YOU for dealing with me when i might have been tough and lippy.

THANK YOU for letting me help run the household. being the 'second mother' is a challenge, but it helps me prepare for life. life when i leave home and hopefully have a family of my own someday.

THANK YOU for teaching me many valuable things in life. many i couldn't live without.

THANK YOU for the many many dollars you have given me when i didn't have a job of my own. i won't ever be able to repay you!

THANK YOU for teaching me to love and forgive.

THANK YOU for teaching me how important and precious my faith is.

THANK YOU for the many vacations to Minnesota to see friends and relatives. i know it costs money, lots of it. but those times when i can be with believers my age and singing with them, those are the most uplifting moments and the most beneficial to my faith.

THANK YOU for getting me places so i could do stuff and hang out with friends. it really means the world to me! my friends are so precious to me, because never before did i have such close believing friends, and now that i do, i cherish their friendship.

THANK YOU for these braces. i know they cost a lot. i really appreciate it!

THANK YOU for standing up for me, and not let me get too shy as to not do stuff with friends.

THANK YOU for everything you have done to help get my business up and running.

THANK YOU for letting me spend endless hours on the computer editing pictures. i always feel like i'm being so unsocial and that i'm not being any help at all when i do it.

THANK YOU for letting me spend hours on the phone talking to Austen. her phone calls are the highlight of my life right now, and i don't think i could live without them. we just know each other inside out and can understand everything about each other. i couldn't live without her!

and this list could go on forever. it honestly could. there is so much to thank my mother for. an endless number of things! but there are two HUGE thank you's that i have to give before i go. but before that even, i have one special thank you to make.

i want to give a huge THANK YOU to all of my dear aunts. each and every one of you (you know who are) have so much faith in me and my business! you have helped me pull myself and well as my business together. practice sessions, props, words of encouragement, spreading word about me, EVERYTHING! i couldn't do it without you either! many of you are second mom's to me, so i just wanted you to know how much you mean to me. and today is definitely an appropriate day to do so. every day is an appropriate one, but today is just a teensy bit more extra special, dontcha think?

alright.. here's the two huge HUGE thank you's to my mom.

THANK YOU for all the support you have for me and my career. if it wasn't for you and dad helping me purchase the necessary things for my business, i wouldn't be where i am today. and without your support you have given me, i probably would have given up long long ago! and your faith in my photography is amazing. it helps me have just that much more faith and pride in myself and my work!

and most of all...
THANK YOU for being the best mom in the whole wide world! i love you so much and couldn't live without you! not very often do i tell you that, but i just need you to know i love every single bit of you and everything you do is greatly appreciated!

Mom - even when the times get tough, and it seems like nobody listens, we all love you, every single one of us kids. and we all appreciate what you do, even if the boys have an odd way of showing it. we couldn't live without you.

so when you get mad, relax and take a few deep breaths, hand the ropes over to me, and take a break. that's what i'm here for! even if i'm hiding in your room doing pictures, tell me you need a break before you're bald because you've pulled your hair out. i try step in when i see i'm needed, but sometimes i must be blind, because i know i should step in more.

i could say stuff for hours, but i will just leave it at that.

Mom? you mean the world to me. i couldn't live without you! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! <3

love you!


at: May 8, 2011 at 4:50 PM said...


Ramona Johnson says:
at: May 8, 2011 at 5:49 PM said...

Thank you Bree! That was very lovely and touching. I love each of you kids very much and each are so special to me in your own way. You always have been so willing to help out with the kids and around the house. I also enjoy the times we are able to talk. We wouldn't grow into who we are without the trials and also the good times. I love you too! Thank you for putting up with me as your mother.

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