

Jul 21, 2011

just beachin' it.

these last few days have been rather hot and muggy. well, that actually is an understatement, because these last few days have been VERY hot and muggy. and see, i'm one of those type that yeah, i like to go to the lake and stuff, but i'll sit on the beach and soak in a few rays or dip my toes in the water, but not very often do i go all the way in. (unless the beach is a good one. i do have a few favorites where i don't hesitate to jump in!) ooh.. i'll also most definitely go in if i'm being pulled on a tube behind a boat and stuff like that. definitely!

well, being that these last few days have been on the hot and muggy-ish side, i've been to the beach for about 3 days in a row. and get this, i was just about begging to get to the beach. when you feel like you're in a claustrophobic tube of sticky hotness, it's time to get out of there and hit the beach, don't you think?

these are taken at lake superior. yes, my main focus was my dear youngest sister, so most of them are of her. though a few of the other kiddos did manage to find their way in there, as well.

this one was just a favorite of mine. had to share larger!

what a refreshing day at the beach, let me tell you. i ended up with some color to my skin, and lake superior was just the perfect temp! it's now at the point where you can swim in it comfortably. mmm!

have a great thursday!


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